Friday 9 September 2011

Part 1/1(b) What is the difference between performance management and performance appraisal?

Performance management is as a “strategic and integrated" approach to increase the competitiveness of organizations by improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors whereas Performance appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent successes and failures,the employee's strengths and weaknesses, and suitable for promotion or further training. It is also the judgment of an employee's performance in a job based on considerations other than individual productivity.

The difference between performance management and performance appraisal is that : refer to a set of activities and evaluations which determines if the company is being effective and efficient in the process of achieving its goals whereas
P.appraisal is the particular judging of how the employees is working inside a company on terms of quality, quantity and methods used for and where feedback is usually delivered, performance appraisal are considered to be more structured and formal compared to those of performance management which is more flexible.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Part 3/16: What role can HR in improving organisation peroformance?

The HR should select the best employees in his organisation since this will lead to higher profits. If an employee fails to attain his objectives, the HR should provide him training in order to improve him. Furthermore he should assist employees in the understanding of the performance management system process and procedure. Moreover he should creates an environment where employees will feel at ease to perform. This will be a sort of encouragement to the employees themselves, hence they will adopt the proper attitude and behavior. Thus due to this, the employees will be motivated to accept the company's culture and value. Hence through these roles the HR will play an essential part in improving an organisation.

Part 3/15: How can a PMS assist with the up-skilling and development of an employee?

PMS not only allow an organisation to know where their staffs are strong but also to identify the company weaknesses. It is an on-going process to improve productivity.

By implementing PMS, skill of each employee must be kept recorded. This will help to evaluate their performance. It facilitates the org. to contribute to the improvement of the employee comparing to their preceding performance.

The PMS will aid the org. to deliver suitable guidance on skills to employees after assessing their previous skills. Hence, this will help the employees to deliver the best of them at the same time help the org. to boost up productivity.

Part 3/14: How can performance management systems be improved?

To continue to add value and be relevant, a Performance Management System need to be systematically reviewed and adjusted in terms of design, implementation and functioning so as to fit organisation needs and ensure that there is alignment between organisational objectives and employees performance.

As such to ensure that the PMS effectively achieves its aim, an evaluation must be done periodically and appropriate improvement be implemented.
The evaluation can be done through a survey/an audit to assess the following points:
1. Opinions of employees and supervisors as regards to the PMS process.
2. The accuracy and up-to-datedness of individual job descriptions.
3. The accuracy and relevance of information and data collected for appraisal.
4. Reactions of employees and supervisors on appraisal systems.
5. Effectiveness of feedback: How feedback is given – if it is done in a timely manner.
6. Identification of an organisational training needs.

Part 2/13 : Outline the importance of giving feedback.

Giving feedback is an essential part of training. Follow these rules so that learners are clear about their standard of performance and motivated to raise it where possible. when giving feedback ,the focus should be on the job and not the person,the good points and bad points should be in details.The importance of giving feedback are:-
  • It helps the employees to progress in the future for a better performance in the organisation.
  • It helps the employees to know how they are performing, if they are doing well and where they need to develop.
  • It is also a challenge in such a way  that the employee will prove the employers that he or she can do it.
  • The employee feel more confident about his work as he know how to eliminate his flaws.

Part 2/12: What type of training is required to make adequate use of performance management systems?

Both managers and employees are believed by HR team members to be well organised and trained.

Therefore, to make adequate use of PMS, certain types of training are required.

Administrative and behavioural dimensions of appraisal are the most required training. As this will becomes a routine part of their job.

The HR team concentrate on providing training on how to make employees achieve their everyday job. Managers, in particular must be provided with assistance in performance appraisal interviewing, so that in the future, they can deliver good feedback. Hence, this will increase in productivity levels and benefits the organisation.

Moreover, the HR team members give guidance on how to collect effective evidence concerning job performance by using suitable appraisal tools and techniques.

Part 2/11: What guidelines for framing and communicating performance feedback would you recommend to a manager about to conduct formal performance reviews for the first time?

The manager should give feedback to their employees about their particular job so that they will know if they are in the right track or not. He should have an effective verbal communication with the employees. He should listened to them and empathy with them as well if they have any problems. Moreover he must be able to solve their problems if they are having any conflicts among themselves as this may be result as a bad impact for the company. Furthermore he should plan his work well and negotiate it with the employees.